General Knowledge Of Polity

                Some Basic Knowledge Of Comparative Politics And Electoral System

  • What Do You Mean By First Past The Post System?

  •  A First Past The Post Elections Is One That Is Won By The Candidate With More Votes Than Any Other . It Is A Common But Not Universal, Feature Of Democratic Political Systems With Single Member Legislative Districts,And Tends To Promote Two Party Competition, First Past The Post Also Known As Simple Majority Voting or Plurality Voting.

  • Define The Single Party System?

A Single Party State , one party system or single party system is atype of party system government in which a single political party forms the government and no other parties are permitted to run candidates for election,
                 single party state is used to describe a dominant party system where laws or practices prevent like opposition from legally getting power,
 Typically,Single party states hold the suppression of political factions,except as transitory issue oriented currents within the single party or permanent coalition as a self evident good.

  • What is two party system?

  • A Two party system is a system where two major political parties dominate voting in nearly all elections at every level of government and, as a result , all or nearly all elected offices are members of one of the two major parties.under a two- party system , one of the two parties typically holds a majority in the legislature and is usually referred to as the majority party while the other is the manority party.While the term two-party system is somewhat imprecise and has been used in different countries to mean different things, there is considerable agreement that a system is considered to be of a two - party nature when election results show consistently that all or nearly all elected officials only belong to one of the two major parties, such as in the united states.this can leads to non-democratic measures that reduce ballot access for other parties. in these cases, the chances for third party candidates winning election to any office are remote, although it's possible for groups within the larger parties, or in opposition to one or both of them, to exert influence on the two major parties.

  • Define the more than two party multi party system?

  • Multi party system is a system in which multiple political parties have the capacity to gain control of government offices separately or in coalition. An example of such a coalition being the one in existence between the Christian democratic Union of Germany and Christian social Union in Bavaria and the free democratic party set up after the 2009 Federal elections the effective number of parties in the multi party system is normally larger than two but lower than 10 coma in the vast majority of multi party system is common number is major and minor political parties older series chance of receiving office, because order all complete, it may not come to be, for Singh the creation of a coalition comma in fact in some countries, such as Israel, every government ever found since its independence has been by means of a coalition multi party system tend to be more common in parliamentary system then  presidential system and for more common in countries that utilise proportional representation compared to countries that utilise first past the post election

  • What is democratization?

  • Democratization is the transition to am more democratic political regime to a full democracy, transitioning from a authoritarian political system to a semi democracy or transition from a semi authoritarian or democratic Jason may face frequent reversals different patterns of democratization are often used to explain other political phenomena such as whether a country goes to a war or weather its economic grows. Democratization itself is influenced by various factors, including economic development, history and civil society

  • How does the first past the post work?

Under first-past-the-post 2 voting takes place in single member constituency voters put a cross in a box next to their favourite candidate and the candidate with the most votes in the constituency means all other words count for nothing, we believe fptp is the very worst system for electing a representative government, find out why first-past-the-post is bad for democracy, the first past the post electoral system is a voting system for single member districts variously called first past the post, winner takes call, plurality voting, aur relative majority, in Political science, it is known as single member district plurality or smdp, this system is used at all levels of politics, it is very common informer British colonies, a thorough list is given below

                                                              Wales, Scotland and both south and north Ireland, and New Zealand have fairly recently implemented different election systems, the possible solution for UK was handled by the Jenkins committee in the late 1980 but no final solution has been reached yet,
In 2005, the Canadian province of British Columbia held referendum on changing their fptp to STV, it was narrowly defeated,

Recent examples of nations which have not adopted the fptp system includes South Africa, almost all of the former East block Nations, Russia and Afghanistan as well as Iraq
The term first past the post refers to a now seldom used in analogy with horse racing, where the winner is the first to pass a particular. Upon which all are the runners automatically and completely loss


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